中国・華僑大学での招待講演 / invited talks at Huaqiao University, China
Posted by yuichi hayakawa on 12/09/2018 with No comments
There were seminars on high-definition topography data and landscapes at Huaqiao University, located at Quanzhou and Xiamen in China. The project leader Hayakawa was invited to provide lectures at colleges of tourism, engineering, political science and public administration, and architecture, and discussed related issues and potential collaborations.
There were seminars on high-definition topography data and landscapes at Huaqiao University, located at Quanzhou and Xiamen in China. The project leader Hayakawa was invited to provide lectures at colleges of tourism, engineering, political science and public administration, and architecture, and discussed related issues and potential collaborations.
poster of the seminar at public policy department

venue at the public policy school

venue at the tourism school

venue at the engineering school

venue at the architecture school
a tiny black rabbit came to the seminar in the open laboratory with plants and animals
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