中国・成都理工大学での招待講演 / invited talk at Chengdu University of Technology
Posted by yuichi hayakawa on 4/28/2019 with No comments
A seminar on high-definition topography data and geosciences was held at the Chengdu University of Technology in China. The project leader Hayakawa was invited to provide a talk at SKLGP (State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection) and discussed further related issues and potential collaborations.
A seminar on high-definition topography data and geosciences was held at the Chengdu University of Technology in China. The project leader Hayakawa was invited to provide a talk at SKLGP (State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection) and discussed further related issues and potential collaborations.

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