EGU 2022 session NH6.4 "Very high resolution proximal remote sensing applications for natural hazards processes and impacts analysis and mitigation" / 欧州地球科学連合2022セッション「自然災害のための超高精細近距離リモートセンシング」発表募集

Posted by yuichi hayakawa on 10/31/2021 with No comments



Very high resolution proximal remote sensing applications for natural hazards processes and impacts analysis and mitigation

Convener: Daniele Giordan

Co-conveners: Oriol Monserrat, F. Nex, Yuichi S. Hayakawa, Niccolò Dematteis

Session details:

The number of possible operative solutions currently adopted to study and monitor natural hazards processes has progressively increased in the last decades. Nowadays, UAV (Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles), terrestrial radar interferometry, and terrestrial digital photogrammetry are among the most diffuse systems adopted to identify precursor elements for detailed hazard assessment and support decision-makers during emergencies.
In particular, the use of these systems is very useful for creating high-resolution 3D models of the study area and monitoring natural hazards processes. The adoption of multi-scale and multi-sensor approaches can be beneficial for studying the same phenomenon from different points of view and can support a detailed description of the studied process and the most critical parameters that can be adopted for its characterization. The availability of many technical solutions represents an additional value, but the lack of defined methodologies can limit these systems' standardized use, particularly during emergencies.
This session aims to explore the use of proximal remote sensing systems in different scenarios related to natural hazards, from the preliminary characterization of possible (dangerous?) processes and the evaluation of the level of risk to the management of the emergency phase and the support of recovery and post-emergency reconstruction.

Abstract submission deadline: 12 January 2022, 13:00 CET

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