JpGU 2022 H-TT14 "HIGH-DEFINITION TOPOGRAPHIC DATA FOR CONNECTIVITY IN THE ANTHROPOCENE" / 日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会国際セッション「高精細地形情報と人新世におけるコネクティビティ」発表募集

Posted by yuichi hayakawa on 1/07/2022 with No comments


本年も、高精細地形情報に関するセッションを開催します。口頭発表はハイブリッド開催期間中の木曜午後(2022/5/26 PM2)、ポスター発表はオンラインポスターセッション期間中の金曜午後(PM2)にコアタイムが設定されております。地球人間圏科学(H)セクションからの開催となります。人間活動との相関にも着目し、「人新世(the Anthropocene)」を主な対象とした、高精細データの利活用を探ります。また、さまざまな現象の相互接続性(コネクティビティ)にも注目し、自然現象から人文現象まで、多様な「つながり」を紐解いていくことを目指します。高精細地形・地物情報のテクニカルな面から応用的な面まで、幅広いテーマでの研究発表をお待ちしています。



Hybrid Oral: PM2 (15:30-17:00) on May 26 (Thu), 2022
(Online Poster: May 29 – June 3; core time: PM2 on June 3 (Fri))


  • Yuichi S. HAYAKAWA (Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University)
  • Christopher GOMEZ (Faculty of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University)
  • Mio KASAI (Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University)
  • Takuro OGURA (Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) 

Recent technical developments have enabled us to acquire high-definition topographic and geophysical data for geoscientific research, including land surface processes, subsurface structures, submarine/aerial environments, and geo-ecological interactions. Such high-definition or high-resolution data are particularly useful for studies on landscape developments in a relatively short-term (decadal to millennial time scales), which are often assessed with a concept of connectivity in spatial and temporal contexts. In this session, we expect submissions on topics challenging the issues of connectivity in the Anthropocene, the most recent geological era of the Earth affected by human activities. A range of topics would fit the session framework, including theoretical works, data acquisition, pre- and post-processing, extensive data preservation and archiving, statistical analysis, physical modeling, machine learning, and numerical simulation. The methodological approaches may include, but are not limited to, laser scanning (Lidar), photogrammetry (SfM), GNSS precise positioning, SAR interferometry, multi-beam sonar, ground-penetrating radar, geomagnetic/electromagnetic sensors, and multi/hyperspectral sensors, based on terrestrial (fixed or mobile), aerial (UAV or manned airborne), or satellite platforms.


Abstract submission deadline: February 17 (Thu), 2022 (17:00 JST)

[ early-bird submission deadline with discount rates: February 3 (Thu), 2022 (23:59 JST) ]

submit your abstract at 
(open from January 12-)

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